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MBIA Wellness Group funded by Lululemon Here To Be

Supporting each other towards a new beginning…

The Manitoba Brain Injury Association Wellness Group funded by Lululemon Here To Be was a specialized Yoga and mindfulness program designed for individuals who have suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), including concussions, to help group participants learn and develop tools and wellness strategies to cope with their acquired brain injury.

The 6-week program was open to all Manitoba Brain Injury Association members, which is an absolutely free association to join. MBIA members have all experienced the challenges of living with a brain injury and together we are committed to helping each other rise up and heal our brains through the early days of diagnosis and beyond.

To learn more about the Manitoba Brain Injury Association and get involved with the Manitoba Brain Injury Association please visit

Here to Be is a community-based social impact program that creates access to Yoga and meditation across social, physical, and economic barriers designed to bring the healing benefits of Yoga to at-risk and underserved communities that routinely experience chronic stress as a result of trauma, illness, socioeconomic status, or ongoing adversity.

Lululemon recognizes Yoga and meditation as powerful tools to create individual well-being and build greater health, resilience, and community for all — regardless where you’re starting from or what life has thrown your way. To date, Here to Be has invested over $5.4M, developed over 300 grassroots non-profit partnerships, and donated more than 8,000 yoga mats.

Learn more about the Lululemon Here To Be program at